Another major business win as Colas secures place on £140m NEPO framework


Another major business win as Colas secures place on £140m NEPO framework

Colas secures £140m NEPO contract

Colas UK have won a substantial part of the North East Procurement Organisation (NEPO)’s tender for the North East contracting authorities’ Highways Surfacing Framework, whereby carriageways and footways are resurfaced or reconstructed. The contract in total is worth £140m and covers road surfacing works across 12 North East local authority areas, including Newcastle City Council, Sunderland City Council and North Tyneside Council.

This will mean that we will work together with other contractors in the industry, apart from glass fibre reinforced surfacing and carriageway re-tread where we are the sole supplier.

Colas secured a place on 6 of the 17 lots, including sole supplier on Lot 4 and Lot 11 having been awarded the most number of lots on the framework, Colas is looking forward to getting underway and working with the local authorities over the next four years.

  • Lot 3 –  Surface Dressing (one of four suppliers)
  • Lot 4 –  Glass Fibre Reinforced Surface Dressing (sole supplier)
  • Lot 6 –  Cold Applied High Friction Surfacing (one of three suppliers)
  • Lot 8 –  Slurry Seal of Footways (one of four suppliers)